

Tips for managing stress in Quarantine.

Living in San Francisco, California (and all over the world) is a getting a bit stressful. Everything is shutting down, we’re being told to work from home, and the crux of what draws many to live here -our social events- are being cancelled. Covid-19 or Corona virus is significantly impacting the way we live our lives and for many in this uber expensive city, our livelihoods.

I think it goes without saying that mental health concerns don’t just suddenly go away and previously managed mental health distress may be increasing with these new stressors. For those already dealing with feelings of social disconnectedness, depression, anxiety… this transition to a new “normal” may be overwhelming.  

So how do you cope in a time of ‘novel’ experience? I’ve compiled some “tips” that I offer clients for managing new and old distress that may arise. All of these suggestions are just that - suggestions- please take what helps and leave the rest. Share, build, and expand for what works for you:

  1. Stay connected. Call that friend on the other side of the country you’ve been meaning to check in with. Call your grandma, your dad, you great uncle. Join an online support group. Create a group chat with your friends. Send funny memes to your co-worker. Whatever it is, stay connected socially. The small and sometimes mundane things are important to maintaining our feelings of social connectedness. And with that, it’s ok to put down the news or stop checking Facebook! Self-care!

  2. Remember the basics. Food, shelter, sleep. Keep a regular schedule of feeding yourself - even if you are moving less, you still need to eat. Pay attention to your hunger cues and plan meals accordingly. Your body can tell you what it needs. Keep your space in a way that helps you feel centered. Take the time to tidy or rearrange. You may have “just a closet” but it’s your closet. Talk with your roommates about navigating changes in schedules and space. Sleep. This one is huge and easy to get pushed aside. Continue to rest and allow yourself regular sleep. It can help you cope with stress, anxiety, and transitions. You may need more right now and that is ok.

  3. Continue to move. Dance in your living room (or where ever you have space!). Stretch out. Pull up a youtube yoga video. Let yourself have the silly wiggles for a minute. Breath deep slow breaths. Set reminders to move in ways that work for your body, acknowledging how that movement might look different for a while.

  4. Positive Coping Skills. This is a perfect time to try that new coping skill. Meditation. Tapping or Emotional Freedom Technique. Qi Gong. Make music. Video gaming. Even though you might be working from home, you still get time off! This is self-care and you deserve it.

  5. Remember that this is likely temporary. Remember that you cannot control it. Remember that you are not alone. Remember you are enough.

And finally… ASK FOR SUPPORT. There is community in this. You are not alone. You are not a burden. Many people are struggling and not just emotionally. This virus is impacting how many earn their livelihoods. We can work together to support our community. We will be better together (but 6ft apart!)